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School Notebook


As we look forward to evolving and bringing fresh ideas to the PTA we are also looking for new board members. One of the best ways to make change is to be part of the change.  Below are the descriptions of positions on the PTA. 

Executive Board


President (1)

The President shall preside at all meetings of this organization and the Executive Board, delegate the work of the organization to other officers or chairmen as may be appropriate, be a Lyon/Pleasant Ridge PTA representative to the District 34 PTA Council, and is responsible for correspondence with the state and national PTA.

1st Vice President (1)

The 1st Vice President shall act as an aide to the President and then will serve as the president the following year.  As an aide, the Vice President shall attend four meetings per month. The first meeting being the monthly PTA meeting. Second serving as a representative at the District 34 PTA Council meetings.  A third meeting is with the principal team from the LY/PR cluster. Finally attending the monthly Executive Board Meetings. In addition to meetings, the Vice President attends varies PTA sponsored events throughout the year.  The time commitment to the role is approximately 6 hours to 8 hours per month.

Community Engagement Chair(s) (2)

The 2nd Vice President shall serve as the Mentor and Community Program coordinator. The 2nd VP shall serve as an observer to the Board of Education by attending Board of Education meetings or recap meetings and report to the PTA. The 2nd VP is required to attend the monthly Executive Board meetings.


Room Parent Chair/3rd Vice President (1)

The 3rd Vice President shall serve for a one or two-year term and serve as the coordinator of the Room Parent Program at Lyon School. The 3rd VP is required to attend the monthly Executive Board meetings.


Room Parent Chair/4th Vice President (1)

The 4th Vice President shall serve for a one or two-year term and serve as the coordinator of the Room Parent Program at Pleasant Ridge School. The 4th VP is required to attend the monthly Executive Board meetings. 

Secretary (1)

The Secretary shall record the attendance and minutes of all PTA general meetings, and will coordinate, compile content, and distribute e-mail communications/newsletters to school parents who opt into the PTA e-mail list. In addition, to attending the general PTA meetings the secretary is required to attend the monthly Executive Board meetings. This position can be a shared position. Time commitment to role is approximately 4 to 6 hours a month.


Treasurer (1)

The Treasurer shall receive all monies of this organization and keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures, and present a financial update at every meeting of the organization and at other times as requested by the Executive Board. The Treasurer is responsible for creating the annual budget and presenting it for approval at the September meeting. The Treasurer is required to attend the monthly Executive Board meetings.

Assistant Treasurer (1)

The Assistant Treasurer shall aid the Treasurer in their duties and then serve as Treasurer the following year. The Assistant Treasurer is required to attend the monthly Executive Board meetings. Other duties include making bank deposits 1or 2 times a month, co-signing items, help with financials related to the book fairs and attending any meetings regarding financial decisions.  Time commitment to role is approximately 4 to 6 hours a month.


General PTA Board


Fall Book Fair (1 or 2)

The book fair chairperson(s) will head the committee that shall plan and direct the book fair at their respective school.


Fall Book Fair Assistant(s) (1 or 2)

The book fair assistants shall act as aides to the book fair chairs, and will serve as the book fair chairperson(s) the following year. 


Box Tops (1)

The Box Tops chairperson oversees the promotion of the Box Tops program and submission of Box Tops.


Character Counts (1)

The character counts chairperson oversees the collection of canned food in the Fall at Lyon and PR.


Cultural Enrichment, Lyon (1), Pleasant Ridge (1)

The cultural enrichment chairpersons will work with the school fine arts teams to arrange for appropriate and enriching programs to be presented to the students at their respective school.


Debra Gelfand Rep (1)

The Debra Gelfand Fund provides immediate financial assistance to needy children in District 34. Our Rep attends Gelfand meetings on behalf of Lyon/PR and oversees Gelfand initiatives at our schools.


Environmental (1)

The environmental chairperson(s) will coordinate environmental activities at both schools. Environmental friendly activities include earth week, fall and spring walk/bike to school day. This position requires approximately 5 to 6 hours of time commitment during the school year. 


Holiday Helper Program (1-2)

The Holiday Helper program coordinators will manage the annual Holiday Helper program.


International Night (1-2)

The International Night chairperson(s) is responsible for planning and coordinating International Night, held in the Fall at Pleasant Ridge.


Kids Heart Challenge (1)

The Kids Heart Challenge chairperson will work with the Pleasant Ridge Physical Education staff to provide snacks and water, and coordinate volunteers as necessary for the annual fundraiser.


Literature Alive (1 or 2)

The Literature Alive chairperson(s) leads the literary celebration held in the Spring at Pleasant Ridge during the spring book fair. 

PTA Grants (1)

The grant chairperson will lead the process that includes reviewing requests made by teachers and staff and recommending expenditures of PTA funds for the benefit of both schools. Previous PTA Executive Board experience is a prerequisite for this position.


School Supplies (1)

The school supplies chairperson handles the annual school supply order program, including leading the Spring ordering process and late Summer distribution.


Spiritwear, (1 or 2)

The spiritwear chairpersons will lead the sale and distribution of Lyon and Pleasant Ridge clothing and accessories, including selling items at PTA events throughout the year. 

Spring Book Fair, (1 or 2)

The book fair chairperson(s) will head the committee that shall plan and direct the book fair at their respective school.

Spring Book Fair Assistants, (1 or 2)

The book fair assistants shall act as aides to the book fair chairs, and will serve as the book fair chairperson(s) the following year.


Staff Appreciation (1-2ppl)

The staff appreciation chairperson(s) will work to recognize the efforts of the teachers and staff at the schools on behalf of the PTA. This will include special recognition at both schools during Teacher Appreciation Week in the spring and at the end of the school year.


Student Needs Parent Liaison (1 person), Pleasant Ridge, Lyon (1 person)

The student needs parent liaison, an advocate for inclusion opportunities and awareness, is a contact for parents who need help with managing and understanding any issues relating to student issues and challenges, and offers assistance with transition and support to new and existing families.

Website (1 person)

The website chairperson is responsible for managing the PTA website throughout the year, including updating calendar and meeting information, and highlighting upcoming news and events.

Roles for the Party Planner


Benefit (1 or 2)

The benefit chairperson(s) will oversee the various benefit committees such as decorations, donations, sign-up parties and plan the annual fundraising event.


Fifth Grade Picnic (1-2)

The fifth-grade picnic chairperson(s) will work with the Pleasant Ridge principal and staff to plan and staff the fifth grade, end-of-the-year picnic.


The Organized and Tech Savvy


Directory (1-2)

The directory chairperson(s) will be responsible for data entry and management of the online and paper school directories. This position is flexible since work is done from home on your own schedule. Bulk of time spent working in fall.


Registration (1-2)

The Registration chairperson will coordinate the data entry of all PTA membership, volunteer form data, and parent e-mails into an appropriate database. This information will be distributed as needed to the appropriate event chairs and Executive Board. This position is flexible since work is done from home on your own schedule. Bulk of time spent working in fall.

We need you!

Don't doom our schools to mediocrity!  Your contribution is essential for the success of the PTA.   Because, you see, the destiny of our entire education system rests upon those captivating bake sales and exhilarating committee meetings.  

Disclaimer: This response contains 0% actual sarcasm. But hey, at least it’s 100% volunteer-powered!

The Lyon/Pleasant Ridge PTA is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, nonprofit volunteer organization. Our primary mission is to gather additional resources from the community to support educational programs, extracurricular activities, and infrastructure improvements that fall outside the school’s budget. Additionally, we strive to foster a strong sense of community within the Lyon/Pleasant Ridge school district.

Lyon and Pleasant Ridge PTA

Glenview, Illinois 60025

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