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APRIL 12, 2025


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Science Class

What is the Pleasant Ridge Science Fair?

The Pleasant Ridge Science Fair is a chance for our students to investigate, create and demonstrate a scientific principle to friends and families at school.

How will students select topics for their Science Fair Project?

Students are free to choose any topic they are curious about investigating!  To provoke some thought, below are some of the Units of Study we cover at Pleasant Ridge.


  • Forces and Interactions

  • Ecosystems

  • Weather & Climate

  • Engineering & Technology

  • Energy

  • Waves

  • Earth systems: Processes That Shape the Earth

  • Structures & Properties of Matter

  • Matter & Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems​

More information about the Science Fair will be sent out in Spring of 2025.  Email Science Fair Chair, Jessica Pritzker at if you have any questions!

The Lyon/Pleasant Ridge PTA is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, nonprofit volunteer organization. Our primary mission is to gather additional resources from the community to support educational programs, extracurricular activities, and infrastructure improvements that fall outside the school’s budget. Additionally, we strive to foster a strong sense of community within the Lyon/Pleasant Ridge school district.

Lyon and Pleasant Ridge PTA

Glenview, Illinois 60025

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